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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Types, Symptoms and factors of developing Cervical Cancer

     What is cervical cancer? According to Medical dictionaries it is a disease in which cells of the cervix become abnormal and start to grow uncontrollably forming tumors. It begins on the surface of the cervix and can penetrate deep beneath the surface. The cancer can spread directly to nearby tissues, including the vagina. It can also enter into the rich network of small blood and lymphatic vessels inside the cervix, which spreads to other parts of the body.

     What are the types of cervical cancer? There are three types of cervical cancer:

  1. Squamous cell carcinomas. This most common type is made up of cells that cover the surface of the cervix.
  2. Adenocarcinomas. This type starts in the gland cells that make mucus.
  3. Adenosquamous carcinomas. This type has the features of both the squamous and adenosquamos cell cancers.
     These are some factors that can increase a woman's chance of developing cervical cancer:
  1. Sexual practices. Cervical cancer was discovered by Harald zur Hausen of Germany in 1983 after 10 years of studying different types of Human Papillomaviruses (HPV) and discovering HPV 16 as tumorigenic among cervical cancer biopsies. In 1984, he discovered HPV 18 by cloning HPV 16 and 18 from patients with cervical cancer. These types are commonly found among cervical cancer biopsies contributing to 70% of cervical cancer throughout the world. Human Papillomaviruses are wart-producing viruses. Of the more than 100 types, only about 40 infect the genitals. Of these 40 types, 15 are cancer-producing among females. Today, researchers disclosed that 99% of cervical cancers are due to HPV infection through these sexual practices. (a) Age of the woman's first sexual contact. Having sex before age 18 increases the risk of HPV infection. (b) The number of partners The more sex partners a woman will have, the higher the risk. (c) Having intercourse with men whose previous partners have cervical cancer. (d) Women whose partners are HPV infected. (e) The presence of other sexually transmitted diseases such as herpes.
  2. Long-term use of birth control pills (more than 5 years). The risk declines as she stops the pill.
  3.  Women who have three or more full-term pregnancies.
  4. Women who are younger than 17 years when they had their firs full-term pregnancy.
  5. Family history. When the mother and other females in the maternal side had cervical cancer, the risk is two to three times higher.
  6. Smoking
  7. Being overweight.
     Be alarmed if you have any of these symptoms:
  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding between periods, after intercourse or menopause.
  • Increase vaginal discharge that may be foul smelling or contains mucus.
  • Periods become heavier and last longer than usual.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Sinusitis and other health problems

     Chronic sinusitis is often part of a cluster of health problems that includes asthma and bronchitis as well as serious digestive problems, such as chronic heartburn. Sinusitis also is a cause of sleep apnea (temporary cessation of breathing while sleeping), which can indirectly lead to heart attach and stroke. Knowing that these conditions can be connected helps sinusitis sufferers to protect themselves from seemingly unrelated health problems when the sinuses become inflamed by infection or allergy, the tissues swell, closing off the airflow and making it difficult to breathe through the nose. As a result of inflammation, mucus turns thick and sticky and can become yellow, green, brown or tan.

     The inflammation and infection associated with sinusitis can spreed to the respiratory track and affect the digestive system as well, causing a broad set of health problems called chronic airway-digestive inflammatory disease, which results in the following:

  • Lung problems. When the sinuses no longer cleanse the air properly, inflammation of the large and medium airways can result. This can lead to bronchitis, causing congestion, coughing and shortness of breath. Inflammation of the small airways can cause asthma.
  • Digestive disorders. Infectious mucus dripping down the back of the throat may inflame the stomach, causing acid to back up into the esophagus, leading to chronic heartburn, a symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
  • Sleep Apnea. Many people who snore also suffer from sleep apnea. Besides the stress of extreme fatigue caused by repeated awakenings, sleep apnea reduces oxygen levels in the blood, increasing heart attack and stroke risk

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Testing for Food Allergies

     A food allergy usually can be diagnosed with a thorough medical history taken by an allergist. The Doctor will want to know the following:

  • When do symptoms occur? Food allergies typically cause symptoms with in a few minutes to several hours after exposure. Symptoms include stomach cramping, hives, lip swelling, runny nose, congestion and asthma. With a food intolerance, symptoms may not occur until the next day.
  • How much did you eat? With food allergies, any exposure can trigger symptoms. For some patient, 1 mg - an amount that's almost impossible to see will provoke an allergic response. A reaction can even be triggered by kissing or sharing utensils with someone who has eaten a substance to which you are allergic. A skin reaction can occur from touching the substance. With a food intolerance, symptoms usually are linked to the amount consumed. Someone who's sensitive to milk, for example, can often drink a small amount without a reaction.
     Two test can identify most food allergies:
  1. Skin prick. Extracts of suspected foods are pricked into the skin with a needle. The appearance of a rash within a few hours or even a few minutes- indicate a food allergy. Caution: The skin prick test isn't advisable for patients with severe allergies. The tiny amounts of food used in the test could trigger a life threatening reaction.
  2. Radioallergosorbent test (RAST). This blood test detects antibodies to specific food proteins. The test occasionally produces false positive - indicating an allergy where none is present. It's often combined with the skin-prick test for more accurate results.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Common Causes of Vision Loss

     These are the common causes of vision loss, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma and cataracts. If you experience something wrong with your eyes it is good idea to consult an opthalmologist (a medical doctor who diagnoses and treats eye diseases) or optometrist (a doctor who treats eye conditions not needing surgery) who specializes in low vision.

  • Macular Degeneration. It occurs when the macula (the central part of the retina, which is responsible for sharpness, color and daylight vision) is damaged by gradual degeneration of retinal cells or hemorrhaging of underlying blood cells into the retina. Macular degeneration destroys central vision, so magnification is necessary for most people who have this disease.
  • Diabetic Retinopathy. A complication of advance or long-term diabetic retinopathy results in peripheral and central vision loss. It is caused by leaking blood vessels that damage the entire retina, including the macula. Diabetic retinopathy affects each individual differently, but most require a variety of aids, such as magnifiers and large print books and periodicals. Vision aids that help patients administer insulin are good for those with moderate vision loss for diabetic retinopathy.
  • Glaucoma. Increase eye pressure, resulting from a build up of fluid in the eyes that damages the optic nerves. Often leads to the progressive eye disease known as glaucoma. In late-stage glaucoma, the optic nerve damage can cause an irreversible loss of peripheral vision. Although glaucoma patients typically retain their central vision, it is impaired because their ability to see contrast is significantly reduced. This makes it difficult to distinguish edges, such as those on a curb or steps. The best vision aids is to have good lighting and contrast enhancement are crucial for people with glaucoma. They usually need double or triple the amount of light that a person with normal vision would use.
  • Cataracts. Although cataracts can be surgically removed, some people must delay or even forgo surgery because of other health problems, such as stroke or a broken hip. For those cataract patients, low-vision aids can be helpful until surgery can be performed.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


     If a person is diagnosed with Alzheimer's, medication is usually started right away to help slow the progression of the disease as well as curb or stabilize the symptoms.

     Certain health habits are believed to help protect against Alzheimer's:

  • Control weight, blood pressure and cholesterol levels. A recent study of nearly 1,500 people in Finland confirmed that risk factors for Alzheimer's and cardiovascular disease are strikingly similar. Researchers fund that people who were obese and had high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol levels were six times more likely to develop Alzheimer's than people without those health problems.
  • Eat the right foods. A nutrition diet rich in brightly colored, antioxidant-rich fruits (blueberries, plums, strawberries, oranges, cherries, raspberries and cranberries) and vegetables (kale, spinach, broccoli, brussels sprouts, red peppers, eggplant and onions) helps curb the damage that brain cells undergo in response to disease-promoting molecules known as free radicals.
  • Stay physically active. Any kind of physical activity is valuable. But cardiovascular exercise, including walking, is particularly good for overall circulation and blood circulation to the brain.
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